DIY: Glitter Mason Jars

Need an inexpensive Valentine’s day centerpiece? Do you have extra mason jars lying around? Why not put them to use. Supplies: Vinyl shelf liner/stencil Glitter 4 jars Polyurethane  (I’ve seen floor wax used as a replacement, but I’m not too … Continue reading

Knife Block Makeover: DIY

I know, I know – I’ve been neglecting this blog for a while… anyway, I’ve been very busy and that means more projects to share with you all! Just to touch base again I’d like to share another DIY project: … Continue reading

DIY: Homemade Dishwasher Soap

This is a SUPER EASY recipe for a natural homemade dishwasher soap.


1 cup washing soda

1 cup borax

2 packs of lemonade FlavorAid ((no sugar)


Use 1 tbs per load and white vinegar as a rinse aid. (The vinegar, also helps with the gross mildew smell that washing units develop over time.)


This was the fastest mix I’ve ever made, seriously 2 minuets- max! This works so much better than the leading store bought soaps and it’s a hell of a lot cheaper! I was really skeptical at first but it smells great and most of all it works FANTASTIC too. If you wanted you could even add in a few drops of essential oil for a touch more of fragrance.

Overall I would say this cost about 7 dollars for the supplies and made roughly 35 loads (about 2qts).
If you do that math (I’m awful at math) this batch costs around .05 cents per load. Talk about savings! I  even had PLENTY of supplies left over.


DIY Sugar Scrub (tutorial)

I recently gathered a recipe for a homemade brown sugar scrub, with products you already have in your pantry!

Here is what you’ll need:


Olive Oil/Vegetable Oil

Vanilla Extract (optional – but it smells yummy!)

Brown Sugar

White Sugar

Sifter (optional – Makes the chucks of brown sugar easier to manage)


Jar – I used an 8 oz canning jar I had left over from Jelly Bellies – jams n jellies (will be available on Etsy soon).

Bowl (I used a large measuring cup, which made it A LOT easier to get the perfect amounts.)

Step 1

Add the sugars to the bowl at about a 1:1 ratio. I sifted the sugars into the bowl to help with the larger clumps in the brown sugar.

Inside the sifter

Step 2

After you’ve put your sugars into your jar, add your oil. It will saturate the mixture.

Oil soaking it’s way through the sugars

Step 3

Stir it until its at the constancy you like. ( Now is a good time to add the vanilla extract or essential oil for that extra KICK of fragrance.)

Mixed up and ready to go!


Step 4

Clean up the jar and add your lid.

Step 5

Decorate and enjoy!


Revamping a Craigslist Find

Lovely finished product

I found a GREAT Pottery Barn table on Craigslist for about 30 bucks. I just had to have it but, I had no use for it until recently. Unfortunately the table wasn’t in the greatest shape when I got it. BUT that’s what paint and a little bit of DIY is for!

This is what we started with:

I removed the doors for easier painting.

Since the table was solid wood and pretty smooth to begin with we really didn’t have to do much sanding.  To eliminate the sanding option we used the paint with the primer mixed in it, and it worked like a charm! We put a clear wood varnish on as a top coat, to avoid chipping in the paint. If you’re painting something that will have a lot of contact – please don’t forget the last, most important step; VARNISH! (Use a water based clear Polyurethane so there wont be any yellowing.)

If you decide to do this little project I strongly suggest disassembling the item as much as possible. Just makes for less hassle. Plus while the main part is drying you can get the small pieces done to save time!

Set aside and waiting to be painted

(My wonderful wife did most of the  work -I just “supervised”)

All Done!

To create this look we used Glidden Duo Paint and Primer in Ice Sculpture (blue), Drizzling Mist (grey), and Celery (green- knobs).